“What do we, as a Māori-Catholic kura, value and want for our mokopuna?” “What do whānau want for their tamariki?” 

Learning at Te Kura o Hato Hōhepa Te Kāmura is designed to activate learner agency.  This means we promote choice, encourage decision-making, and inspire innovation.  Learners Year 1-5 are taught up to 80% through te reo Māori.  Learners Years 6-8 transition into a structured and intensive English language programme.

The three key modes of delivery for teaching and learning (He Ara Ako) are;

Play Timetable

Play based learning targets Years 1-3. It is a fluid programme meaning; ākonga engage in play when not in workshops or conferencing. Workshops occur daily with learning groups, once in the morning block and once in the middle block. Questioning is continuous and occurs organically in the classroom, in the playground and across the kura.

Tuakana (Year 3) have the opportunity to engage with the Learning Matrix and/or in Project.  They will engage ONLY one programme of learning at any one time.

The Matrix Timetable

The matrix is tailored for tuakana (Years 4-8) and is timetabled for 2 hrs/day. Ākonga will have two literacy and two maths workshops per week.  Additionally, intelligence based workshops will be offered to all ākonga to support their preferred ‘cluster of intelligences’. Further details regarding ‘cluster of intelligences’ are provided below.

Project Timetable

Project targets tuakana (Years 4-8) and is timetabled for 2 hrs/day. Check-ins and tutorial times are scheduled twice a week. Projects are approximately 10 weeks long. Tuakana will complete two projects (minimum) per year and may work through the Matrix in addition to Project.